Was held at Hilton Hotel' Grand ball room.
Everything was great but for the rain that spoiled it (and our clothes)
Grand Ballroom and it was really really very grand ;D We were shocked by the number of people standing outside the ballroom for cocktail. Served some drinks and snacks while the waiting to get into the ballroom.
Class Girls whom I get along well with since Sec sch. Even though we are not like in touch everyday, they are great friends whom I can discuss with, chat with and rely on.
Of cos~ the food! (which I think most pple are interested in) Not too great for a hotel like Hilton, in fact, it was a bit disappointing.
However, the service was great though we can see the person who served us was a tad too nervous as he keep mixing up our drinks, dropping items etc. Still, he remain his most polite manner and we didn't tekan him at all la. After all its a happy occasion and he din do anything too badly.
Tat Wai's brother singing song in congrats to the couple's marriage.
The lovely couple. Look at Joycelyn... so chio keke ;D She had always been one of the 偶像派 people in our class.

With Class 4/4's gang. The closer people whom I hanged out with during Sec Sch.
Of cos, how can we let the groom off so easily! so its beer + egg + chilli for them to 早生贵子 keke ... they wanted to add more till some one said
够了! 要他们连孙子都生出来啊!

But in the end, no one drank this cept for Judy, Wileen, Jianxin and I cause its a Monday night and the couple are trying to get through the dinner so that people can go home early. As usual, we are always the last people to leave, either drinking or laughing too much. ;D
Thank you Jocelyn and Tat Wai for inviting us to share your joy~ Its such a sweet and wonderful occasion.
Have a blissful marriage Joycelyn and Tat Wai! 白头谐老! Happy Marriage!

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