Sunday, February 03, 2008

Medical Career Training

That day we talked about ambitions. I asked the smaller kids what they wanted to do when they grow up. Amidst lawyers and doctors, one of them wanted to be a nurse. Now that is a great ambition. I had wanted to be a nurse when I was young but of course that never happened because I was too cowardly. Haha! It takes a lot of courage to be in the medical line. Face long hours of work, blood and the pressure of life and death. But of course medical line does not only include Doctors and Nurses. There are also medical assistants, Ultrasound Tech and Holistic Medicines. I just went for Ultrasound scanning that day. My Ultrasound Technician told me that it’s not easy being an ultrasound technician. She need to attend professional Ultrasound tech school for many years of training and yet when she graduated from the Ultrasound technical school, she still need to revise and keep in touch with current ultrasound tech skills as technology is improving at a very pace. In fact, she is thinking of going back to school again as a form of revision and update. That is a good idea and I really do admire her for having such a strong will to pursue her dreams.